How fast does a forklift go? How many compressions per minute should you do when administering CPR? Participants in Piedmont Technical College’s new “Test Drive PTC” program were able to get the answers to these questions and earn quick certification just by sampling courses at the college. Specifically, interested individuals were able to try out selected classes at no cost. The free program ― a $400 value ― offered an opportunity to sample curricula associated with one of two educational concentrations ― industrial and engineering or health care.
“Test Drive PTC offers a basic overview of two in-demand career paths and introduces students to the wide range of opportunities that are available to those with the right skill sets,” says Josh Black, PTC vice president of Student Affairs and Communications. “Students attend two sessions a week for two weeks, plus one weekend session, and finish with at least one valuable industry-recognized certification. It’s a $149 value, plus certification, for free. Those who successfully complete all sessions and desire to continue their studies at PTC receive a $250 tuition credit toward courses they enroll in moving forward.”
PTC offered two Test Drive opportunities in 2018 and the college looks to add more in the future. Participants were able get a detailed overview of select programs such as welding, mechatronics, automotive, respiratory care and nursing.
“These are basic skills people can put to work immediately, whether they continue on at PTC or not. There is absolutely no cost and no risk involved.”
Those completing the industrial and engineering sessions were able to earn a certification in Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt or Forklift. Those completing the health science and nursing sessions were able to earn certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR.
“These are basic skills people can put to work immediately,” Black says, “whether they continue on at PTC or not. There is absolutely no cost and no risk involved.”
Of the participants, 15 enrolled at PTC for the fall term. That is a 30% enrollment rate for the program. Some of those who did not enroll have expressed interest in the spring term.
Imagine prospective students being able to experience a possible career before investing full resources toward its pursuit. That’s the idea behind Test Drive PTC. For more information, visit