What is quality? Most would agree it’s a beautiful thing that we all desire. But, like beauty, quality ultimately is in the eye of the beholder. Or ― in the case of higher education ― the stakeholder.
Where Piedmont Technical College is concerned, the most critical arbiters of educational quality are our graduates and their employers. To demonstrate our commitment to endowing students with the right skills for today’s jobs, the college continues to implement state-of-the-art upgrades to our campuses. We also see the concept of quality exemplified in our students as they continue their life journeys beyond our campus.
Futuristic O’Dell Center Open for Business
Picture it. Greenwood, 2020: An orange tabby rides atop a Roomba® cruising every 45,000 square foot of polished cement floor at the newly constructed William H. “Billy” O’Dell Upstate Center for Manufacturing Excellence. How could this imagined viral notion possibly relate to the specialized industrial technology programs housed in the facility?
The New Commercial Art
Earlier this year, a syndicated newspaper cartoonist and a renowned painter delivered wisdom-filled lectures on the Greenwood campus of Piedmont Technical College (PTC). Both ― B.C./Wizard of Id comic strip artist Mason Mastroianni and award-winning fine artist John Pendarvis ― were participating in the new PTC Visiting Artist lecture series.
Growing a Future Career
A solid, hands-on education in agriculture was so important to Hampton Beard that he decided to drive nearly 300 miles ― round trip ― from Kingstree every day to attend classes at the PTC Saluda Campus and study diversified agriculture with Instructor Roger Estridge. That’s about five hours of driving a day, even though there was a program much closer to home.
First Classroom Days
It was the first day of first grade for Caroline Falls. She quickly reviewed her checklist: Hand sanitizer, check. Crayons, check. The eager 20-year-old Early Care and Education (ECE) major was truly stoked to begin her formal field experience at Hodges Elementary School. Any first-day nerves she may have harbored evaporated the moment she met her supervising teacher.
Delivering Quality
This year, many of our graduates have exemplified the concept of quality as they have continued their life journeys beyond our campus. From the modest horticulture graduate who landed a nationally prestigious paid internship to the former dropout who transferred from PTC to a four-year institution and is now a master’s candidate, instructor and published author, our graduates excel in ways that transcend our wildest dreams.
Respiratory Care Profession at Forefront
Grad Lands National Internship
MODELS Academy Expands
Transfer Graduate Enjoys Second Act
New College Logo
Going Live in 5, 4, 3, 2 …
Piedmont Technical College (PTC) won’t ask any of its Facebook followers to take a test to ascertain which Muppet or Disney Princess or vegetable they are. What they will do during their regular “PTC Live” events on Facebook is provide information about PTC programs, financial aid, stress management and more. The college welcomes input and live questions to keep the discussion going. For many PTC faculty and staff, their commitment is personal. Here are a few selected episodes from the 20+ shows produced since May 2020.