
Students who are shopping for colleges know the price tag for a degree can get pretty high. But they don’t have to settle for high tuition costs to get the education they seek. This year, PTC faculty and staff, along with federal and state officials, have worked to create and enhance existing pathways for an affordable education. As a result, more and more students are able to attend college tuition-free.

Tuition-Free College Classes in High School

If you could earn college credit while still in high school—tuition-free—why wouldn’t you? That is exactly what Piedmont Technical College’s Dual Enrollment students are able to do.

Students Win with New Scholarship

In 2019, Members of the South Carolina General Assembly passed legislation ― SC WINS ― allocating $17 million for scholarships to address specific workforce shortages, including those in advanced manufacturing. The scholarship supplements Lottery Tuition Assistance to help further reduce tuition costs for eligible students this fall.

Fast, Flexible Training

Those who may feel under-employed or want to upgrade their professional skills can take two semesters (or less) ― tuition-free ― and earn a certificate that can place them in a good, entry-level job with no waiting. This year, PTC started offering an array of “Quickskills” certificates tuition-free for those who want to shake off any job-related inertia.


Delivering Affordability

From ensuring that students save time by finding the right health care major to getting students the additional funds they needed to stay afloat during the early phase of the pandemic, PTC has continued to make affordability a key focus in ensuring students get the quality education they deserve.


Emergency Aid for Students


Impressive CAREplan Numbers


CARES Act Funding


Thankful Scholarship Recipients


Giving is an Easy Decision


Make a Contribution Today


Crafting a New Image

In addition to creating a new college logo, PTC has rolled out a new overall campaign that is designed to illustrate what students can expect if they choose to enroll at the college. Here’s what that messaging looks like in video.