A combination of certainty and confidence can make all the difference when it comes to achieving academic success. PTC continually nurtures a culture of completion in which students can conclusively envision and anticipate a direct path to their educational goals. PTC has expanded its use of calculated degree plans, including the recent implementation of our immersive CAREplan advising model for health care majors. This approach has seamlessly transformed student progression to completion so there is no indecision or confusion at any juncture in their path. Structured, proactive advising ensures that a student’s goal is in sight from day one. This is just a small example of the myriad ways we are making transformations possible.


Join the Persistence

Just as a distance runner is responsible for consistently training and maintaining a level of readiness to complete the long race, colleges must continually train and best themselves to maintain their exceptional readiness to support students as they cover the distance ― daunting hills and inclement weather included ― to completing their education.

Breaking New Ground

Construction is gradually taking shape on the site of the forthcoming William H. “Billy” O’Dell Upstate Center for Manufacturing Excellence on the Piedmont Technical College (PTC) Lex Walters Campus-Greenwood. The project is quickly taking shape on the property across form the Medford Family Event Center.


The Modern Apprenticeship

Apprentices generally work for less than full pay, saving the employer some cost initially. In the process, apprentices become immersed in the company’s culture and invested in its mission, which builds loyalty. With the extra help on hand, existing staff often experience higher morale and become more motivated.


Lives Transformed

Whether they are designing and 3D printing a prototype arm for special needs students or starting a second act in life, PTC students are experiencing real change and success through programs across the college. Their stories say it all.

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Santana Delano Freeman

Elected as the first African-American mayor of Abbeville in 2016.

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Margret Wideman

Injecting wonder and magic into learning experiences at MCSEE.

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Kaleigh Price

Created a Prototype to help Special Needs Children in the Classroom.

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Richie Stone

Supervises Interns from his Alma Mater at WCTEL.


Reggie White

Returned to college after 50 and graduated with honors.

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Cody Anderson

Pursued his dream job and now owns and operates a business.

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Elizabeth Stevens

Returned to her alma mater to train students on the Newberry campus.

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Dot Holmes

Found a new career after 27 years in manufacturing.


In Their Own Words

Piedmont Tech graduates hundreds of students each year. Graduates are recognized at three ceremonies through out the year. At each event, students are selected to deliver commencement addresses. Their words inspire and echo the many stories of all who cross the stage to complete their education at PTC.