President's REport
“We’re here to ensure the accessibility and affordability of higher education and training for current and future generations. That’s why we’ve spent this year making it count.”
As I look at the many things we’ve accomplished this year at Piedmont Technical College, I’m excited for what the future holds. We have some very important projects on the horizon that will take our offerings in the region to a new level.
One key future initiative started to gain momentum last fall when Greenwood County’s citizens came together to vote "yes" to the Capital Project Sales Tax ballot measure by a large margin. This ballot measure will provide funding for a project that has long been in the planning stages at the college.
As a result, we will now be able to make the Upstate Center for Manufacturing Excellence a reality. This facility will present us with some great opportunities to continue making a profound impact in our region.
We’ve also been involved in successful industry recruitment projects this year. And as those new companies move into the region, we are ready to honor the commitments we’ve made regarding the training facilities, programs and services that contributed to their decision to locate their businesses in the area.
These advancements are key as we face the future and strive to meet the workforce needs of businesses in our region — in turn, providing students with the tools to achieve great things in our community.
As you’ll see in this report, our team at PTC is more than capable and prepared to successfully take on these projects and more.
Through this website, you’ll get a glimpse of the programs that have been created to connect our students with in-demand careers. You’ll also see how we provide opportunities to high school students that allow them to graduate with more than a diploma.
We’ll also tell you about the partnerships we’ve built and strengthened throughout the year. We’ll highlight one county's initiative to make college tuition-free for many residents in our region. And we’ll take you on a tour of facility upgrades and new construction projects.
In the end, we hope you’ll see what we encounter every day here at PTC — a continuous drive for making every decision count. This year, like those that came before it, we’ve counted on each other for the right ideas to make student dreams a reality. We’ve counted on community members to join us in our ongoing mission to transform lives. And we’ve counted on our students to bring inspiring levels of determination into the classroom.
At Piedmont Tech, we’re here to ensure the accessibility and affordability of higher education and training for current and future generations. That’s why we’ve spent this year making it count.
L. Ray Brooks, Ed.D.