Making Transformations Possible
Transforming the lives of students is a cornerstone of the mission at Piedmont Technical College. That is why we strive to provide students with the right access and support needed to attain their career and educational goals. This year, we have excelled in that mission by building collaborative initiatives that serve our community in ways that extend beyond our campus borders.
A Promise Worth Keeping
After four years of planning and fundraising, this fall marked the first group of students to enroll under The Greenwood Promise. The program offers postsecondary tuition assistance to all qualifying high school graduates in Greenwood County.
Mapping the CAREplan
The development of a redesigned advising plan for health science and nursing students is among the special initiatives currently being undertaken at Piedmont Technical College.
It's Your Move. Make It Count.
Many of the stories within this report illustrate a common theme. These are stories of individuals who set their sites on a goal and made their move. They moved unflinchingly toward their objective and, truly, made it count. These are also stories of individuals from all ages and walks of life. As we prepared to launch a new campaign to share the benefits of a technical college education, we realized that this is the story we should be telling — a story with obstacles, drive and perseverance. The students we interviewed for this project inspired us beyond belief. And we hope they will do the same for you.